A World Class Orchestra, At Your Service

It’s Your Piece, You Own It

Your Composition

Naturally, because you wrote it, you keep all the rights to your composition. We keep a copy of your score only to perform your music. We will never show or redistribute your score to anyone else, ever!

Our Recording of Your Composition

Our sound recording of your work generates a copyright in the sound recording protected by United States and international copyright laws that initially vests the authorship in us.

However, we feel very strongly that our clients deserve to own the rights to all aspects of their music and that they be allowed to share their work freely with whomever they wish and for any purpose. As such, when we have completed work on your sound recording, you will receive a document from us that assigns the copyright of the sound recording to you, whether or not you plan to use the recording for profit.

We only ask that you tell us if you do plan to use your recording for profit, because our production fees differ for work that will be used commercially.

We feel that our stance—that every composer should have full rights over all aspects of their own work—sets us apart from most other recording studios or recording services that either retain rights to the recording and charge licensing fees, or bury your rights within complex legal jargon.

With Ravel Virtual Studios, you never have to worry about who owns any aspect of your piece because the answer is always: you!